Wonderous Stories is hosted in Stolpe, Angermünde - a national park 75km from Berlin Centre. There are direct train-line connections from the capital, as well as parking and cycling options.
Stolper Turm
16278 Angermünde
By Train
Trains from Berlin run directly and on an hourly basis. It's a 53 minute journey from Berlin HbH.
See www.s-bahn-berlin.de/en for specific timings.
A shuttle service will be available from the station to take you directly to the site.
By Road
Search directions to Stolpe Turm. The event will be sign-posted from neighbouring towns.
By Bike
For the more adventurous festival goers, Stolpe is easily accessible by bike from Berlin. For those who decide to take the trip we will provide an area for you to leave your bike for the duration of the festival.
Arriving at the festival
For those of you who are camping, please check in at the Festival site and from there you will be directed to the camping area.
Please consider others when parking... Danke!